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Article Published on: 27TH JUNE 2023 |

Mixing patterns is a wonderful way to infuse personality and visual interest into your home decor. However, it can be a challenging task to achieve a cohesive and balanced look when combining different patterns. To master the art of mixing patterns, it's important to understand the principles of color, scale, and coordination. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and guidelines to help you create a harmonious and visually stunning space through the skillful combination of patterns.

Start with a Foundation: When mixing patterns, it's helpful to establish a foundation that will serve as a base for your design. This foundation can be a solid color or a subtle, low-contrast pattern. By starting with a neutral or minimal backdrop, you create a visual space that allows the patterns to shine without overwhelming the overall look. Solid-colored walls or furniture, for example, provide a clean canvas for patterned textiles and accessories to take center stage.

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya

Consider Color: Color is a crucial element when mixing patterns. To create a cohesive look, choose patterns that share a common color scheme or have complementary hues. You can opt for analogous colors (colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel) or complementary colors (colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel). This color harmony will tie the patterns together and create a sense of unity. It's also essential to balance the intensity of colors. Pair bold patterns with more subdued ones to maintain a harmonious visual balance.

Vary Scale and Proportion: To avoid overwhelming the space, it's important to vary the scale and proportion of the patterns you choose. Mix large-scale patterns with smaller ones to create a dynamic and balanced composition. For instance, pair a large floral print with a small geometric pattern or a delicate stripe. This contrast in scale adds visual interest while ensuring that no single pattern dominates the space. Additionally, consider the size of the room and the furniture when selecting patterns. Large patterns may work well in spacious areas, while smaller patterns can be more suitable for compact spaces.

Experiment with Pattern Types: Mixing different pattern types is key to achieving a visually appealing and layered look. Consider incorporating a variety of patterns such as florals, stripes, geometrics, plaids, or abstract motifs. Each pattern type brings a unique texture and visual appeal to the space. Aim for a good mix of patterns to add depth and personality to your design. If you're unsure about combining multiple pattern types, start with a maximum of three and gradually add more as you gain confidence.

Photo by Volkan Vardar

Use a Unifying Element: To tie together different patterns, introduce a unifying element that appears in each pattern. This can be a common color, a repeated motif, or a consistent texture. For example, if you have a floral pillow with green leaves, consider pairing it with a striped throw blanket that features the same shade of green. This shared element will create a visual connection between the patterns, making them feel cohesive and intentional.

Consider Pattern Placement: The placement of patterns is just as important as the patterns themselves. Distribute patterns evenly throughout the space to create a balanced visual flow. Avoid clumping all the patterns in one area as it can create a chaotic and overwhelming look. Instead, spread patterns across different elements in the room, such as upholstery, curtains, pillows, rugs, and artwork. This distribution allows the eye to move smoothly and appreciate the individual patterns within the overall design.

Experiment with Texture: In addition to patterns, texture plays a vital role in creating a cohesive and layered look. Incorporating different textures adds depth and tactile interest to the space. Consider mixing materials like velvet, linen, faux fur, or woven fabrics to enhance the visual and sensory experience. Texture can help balance the boldness of patterns and create a more nuanced and inviting ambiance.

Trust Your Instincts: While there are guidelines to follow when mixing patterns, it's essential to trust your instincts and embrace your personal style. Mixing patterns is an artistic expression, and there are no hard and fast rules. Don't be afraid to experiment and let your creativity shine. If a combination feels right to you, chances are it will work well in your space. Embrace the process of exploration and enjoy the journey of discovering unique and captivating pattern combinations.

Photo by Andreea Ch

By understanding the principles of color, scale, coordination, and texture, you can confidently mix patterns to create a cohesive and visually stunning look in your home. Remember to start with a foundation, consider color harmony, vary scale and proportion, experiment with different pattern types, unify patterns through shared elements, pay attention to pattern placement, incorporate texture, and most importantly, trust your instincts. With these tips in mind, you can master the art of mixing patterns and transform your space into a beautifully layered and visually captivating haven.


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